The founder of Tariqah Tijaniyah, Maolana Sheikh Ahmed Tijany (R.T.A) was born in a village called Ainu Mad in the year of 1737 A.D (1150 A.H). 

He is one of the Prophet Muhammed's (S.A.W) great grandsons through Hassan, Son of Ali - bn Abi Talib (May God grant him Honour).

In the year 1753 A.D (1166 A.H) when he was sixteen years old, both his parents, Al-Sayid Muhammed and Sayidat Aishat, passed away in the same day. 

Although he had got married before then and there was no any issue, Meanwhile his wife found it difficult to stay with him, because Sheikh Ahmed Tijany (R.T.A). Loved to be with his lord all the time, for this reason his wife requested him to divorce her, then he wrote a poem Saying:

الحرة تحب الوسادة *** واحمد يحب العبادة

"(My) Wife loves (to be at) bed and Ahmed loves Worshipping".

At this junction, he went round to search for more Knowledge on Islamic religion and Sufism. Sheikh Ahmed Tijany (R. T.A) memorized the Holy Qur'an at the age of seven years old. 

He also learnt some books on figh at teenage, and these are, Mukhtasor Khalil, Risalat, Muqadimat Ibn Rushd and Al-Akhdar.

On his way to sufism, he met Al-Sheikh Dayib ibn Muhammed Sheikh Muhammed bn Hassan and Sheikh Abdullahi bn Al-Sayid Araby.

All along, he joined Tariqat Qadiriyah, Nasiriyah and Tariqat Sheikh Abil-Abas Ahmed Al- Habib bn Muhammed. 

As days rolled by he dropped all these sects of Sufism above, and joined Tariqat Sheikh Abil-Abass Ahmed Al-dawash in which he also lived, On his way to the Knowledge of Sufism, he visited Sheikh Abdul - Qadir bn Muhammed Abyad and stayed with him for some years before he proceeded his journey to Saudi-Arabia for pilgrimage.

All along, at tunis in 1772 A.D (1186 A.H) he met another Sheikh called Abdul-Somad Rahwiy. 

He stayed with him for a period of a year. On getting to Makkat, he met another Sheikh in person of Ahmad on Abdullahi Al- hindy who also initiated him to his sect.

 On his visit to Medinat to see the grace of his great grandfather, Muhammad (S.A.W) he met Sheikh Muhammad bn Abdul-Kareem Al-Samani. On his way back from Hajj operation, at Misra in Egypt, he met his Sheikh Muhammad Al-Kard, who initiated him into his sect, Tariqat Khalwatiyah

Sheikh Tijany (R.T.A) came back to FEZ in Mогоссо Republic in the year 1777 A.D (1191 A.H). By the year 1782 A.D he travelled to a village called Abi -Samgun. 

It was at this village Almighty Allah granted him (R.T.A) a great favour, that had not been bestowed on any saint him. He (R.T.A) saw Apostle God, Muhammad (S.A.W) wakefully not by dream.

ritual funeral prayer. Before Sheikh Ahmad Tijaniy (R.T.A) passed away, he had left glad tidings before his disciples that time shall come when people shall troop in and embrace Tariqat - Tijaniyah.

He Sheikh Ahmad (R.T.A) said:

تأتى فيضة على أصحابي حتى يدخل الناس في طريقتنا أفواجا الخ " أفواجا ... ১১

"Faidah (Exhibition) is coming from one of my disciples, when he comes people would embrace our Tariqat in troop..."

What Sheikh Ahmad Tijaniy (R.T.A) meant by Faidah of this Tijaniy was, when one who is entitled to this post (Sohibul - Faidah) comes towards the end of this life, Tariqat Tijaniyah will expand and people will embrace Islam all along in troop undoubtedly, it is noticeable that during the time of Sheikh Ibraheem (R.T.A) the Tariqat Tijaniyah was wide spread all over the Universe and even Unbelievers embraced Islam.

Obviously, it is quite clear that before Sheikh Ibraheem Niass (R.T.A) was born his fame had spread throughout the Universe and then Saints (Aoliyau-lahi) had been expecting his coming, because their leader and preceptor, Sheikh Ahmad Tajany (R.T.A) had given them glad tidings about his coming, just as the Apostle of God, Issa (Jesus A. S. W) gave his disciples glad tidings about the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as can be seen in the Holy Qur'an thus:

.. وإذا قال عيس ابن مريم يا بني إسرائيل إلى رسول الله إليكم مصدقا لما بين يدي من التوراة ومبشرا برسول يأتي من بعدى

اسمه أحمد ... "

Qur'an Chapter 61 verse 6 says:

"And when Issa (Jesus) son of Marry said: O children of Isreal! Lo! I am the Messenger of Allah unto you confriming that which was (revealed) before me in the Taorah, and bringing glad tidings of a messenger who comelt after me, whose name is Ahmad (the praised one) ... "

Besides, the Almighty Allah also given the whole Universe glad tidings about this types of Saints.

Qur'an Chapter 2 verses 106 says:

ما ننسخ من آية أو ننسها نأتي خير منها أو مثلها ... "

"Such of our Sign as we abrogate or course to be forgotten we bring (in place) one better or the like there of..."

Qur'an Chapter 7 verse 54 says:

فسوف يأتي الله بقوم يحبهم ويحبونه ... “

"Then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them and They shall love Him..."

The Apostle of Allah Muhammad (S.A.) Said:
وقال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم : " لا تزال من أمتي أمة قائمة بأمر الله لا يضرهم من خذلهم ولا من خالفهم حتى يأتي أمر الله وهم على ذلك ... .

"There will be among my people, people who will uphold the commandment of Allah.
 They will not care for those who lowly them nor those who antagonized them Until they will bring the command of Allah and remain on that ..."

Since Sheikh Ahmad Tijaniy (R.T.A) has given his disciples glad tidings about Sohibul-Faidah, everybody had been putting in more efforts to hold the title. Most of saints at that time prayed to Allah to make them the possessor of that post.

Some Saints had fore seen that, they are not entitled to the post, due to one reason or the other, yet despite that, one of Sheikh Ahmad Tijaniys disciples in person of Sheikh Muhammad (R.T.A) read the Holy Qur'an 1000 times to each corner of the world making 4000 as a whole, just to achieve this goal.

Immediately he finished the recitation of the Holy Book, his Sheikh Sheikh Ahmad Tijaniy (R. T.A) saw a reflection of Light of Sohibul - Faidah before his (Muhammad's) fore - head immediately afterwards, Sheikh Ahmad Tijaniy (R.T.A) instructed Sayid Muhammad to leave FEZ for another area for settlement because he Sheikh Ahmad Tijaniy (R.T.A) knew certainly that Sohibul-Faidah would never come from his own town, FEZ.

Oh his (Al-Sayid Muhammad) way propagating the religion of Islam and initiating the muslim to Tariqah-Tijaniyah, he had two years or settlement in Libya after two years in Libya, he proceded his journey until he reached Niger, Bamako and Senegal, propagating the religion of Islam and Tariqah. Tijaniyah, in particular.

When he reached Senegal Republic Allah showed him good omen that he had reached his boundary. Shortly, he got married to a lady whose name was Khadijat Kubrah.

 She was a devoted Muslim and very Pious. Khadijat had three Sons for her husband. The Almighty Allah transferred the light of Sohbul-Faidah from Al-Sayid Muhammad to his last born.

At his point, Al-Sayid Mohammad called on his two elders Sons to be teaching their younger brother the Glorious Qur'an Until he will commit it in to memory and the Knowledge of Islamic law (Shariah) and Sufism, Shortly afterwards, Al-Sayid Muhammad (R.T.A.) Passed away, His younger child, whose name was Sheikh Abdullah was the father of Sohbul-Faidah Sheikh al-Islam and preceptor of the Creature Alhaji Ibraheem bn Abdullahi Niass Al-Kaolack Al-Tijaniy Al-Senegaly.

via: Haruna Mustapha (The Faidha of Shaykh Ibrahim Niass [RTA])

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Who is this Shaikh “Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaolacky” [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq


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6. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

7. Who is this Shaikh “Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaolacky” [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq

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[Also Known as “Nafahat al-Malik al-Ghani Fi-s Siyaha Fi Ard Bamaku Wa Kunakiri”: Account of his visits to Bamako and Conakry in 1367/1947]

By: Shaykh Ibrāhīm Niasse

Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq

Isma'eel Bakare

Smilebak Global Emporium | Pristine Sufism Books

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