By Abubakar Imam

Twenty Three Years After: Shaykh Abubakar Agbarigidoma Lives On

So many years ago, I read in a tribute to late Chief Hassan Odukale written by the late Cicero of Esa-Oke and the pioneer Executive Governor of the old Oyo State, Chief Bola Ige,SAN, (1930-2001),that "good men are bound to die but their good names would never be interred with their remains". I have found the statement incontrovertible and quite true in relation to the careers of many heroes, who several decades, centuries and even millennia, after their transitions to the great beyond, remain in the minds and on the lips of members of subsequent generations. 

The expression perfectly captures the life, times and aftermath of the demise of Shaykh Abubakar Salaudeen Agbarigidoma. The subject of this tribute was a great cleric, unassuming scholar and outstanding teacher of teachers who transited away from this earthly existence on 7th May ,2001. tuesday , May 7,2024), therefore, marked exactly twenty three years after his death at the age of 87 and with so many accomplishments.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma was an exceptional cleric of a rare tribe who despite his numerous attainments lived a simple and almost absolutely withdrawn life. His life was a contradiction of sort! He was a very famous personality who yet remained relatively "unknown" to most of his ordinary compatriots who would have otherwise worshipped his footprints as an avatar.

Not really a digression. I can say that my interest in knowing who and what goes around the great community of Ilorin is an attitude that developed in me right from my primary school days. I disliked being told what happened by anyone. This attitude led to my cultivation of interest in attending public events to see things by myself: an "unrepentant" habit, which continues to provide me with the privilege of coming across so many outstanding personalities in different places across Ilorin .

Despite that characteristic habit, which eventually goaded me into taking journalism and community development as a profession and passion respectively,  I only saw Shaykh Agbarigidoma thrice. The first time was at the Walimah ceremony of the children of Shaykh AbdulRaheem Aminullahi Oniwasi-Agbaiye, who was his next door neighbour, which held either in 1989 or 1990. The second time was at the janazah of Shaykh Abubakar Al-Miskin at Pakata probably in 1991 and at Oke-Agodi in 1992 where he went to commiserate with Shaykh Yahaya Murtala(1931-1995) on the death of his teacher and mentor, Shaykh Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma, a renowned scholar, author and cleric was born in Ilorin around 1914. He hailed from Agbarigidoma Compound, Abata Asunkere axis of the Alore Quarters in our great city of Ilorin, the celebrated abode of warriors ,saints and scholars of outstanding reputation.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma studied under many scholars. After the completion of his studies of the Holy Quran, he began his advanced training in Arabic and Islamic studies under Shaykh Aminu Olosho Babaita,the popular Muslim scholar who made great name for himself and his community in colonial Lagos as a fearless preacher of Islam. He eventually completed his training in Arabic and Islamic Studies under the watchful eyes of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani Awelenje, who lived between 1892 and 1967. His better known teacher, Sheikh Awelenje, was a prominent scholar who was popularly known as Alfa Shaki as he hailed from the border town of Shaki in the Northern part of the present-day Oyo State. 

Shaykh Saki spent most part of his public career in Lagos. He was a respected senior contemporary to Shaykh Muhammad Kamaluddeen Al-Adabiyy and Shaykh Muhammad Al-Dindiy,among others, in Lagos of those days. Shaykh Saki was acknowledged as the leader of all the Yoruba speaking scholars of Arabic and Islamic studies of his time, most especially in Lagos,where he was based.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma was said to be an exceptional scholar who embraced fame as an author, teacher and Arabic school proprietor. He was a prolific writer, poet per excellence and an author of several pieces in Arabic language. He was widely acknowledged among scholars of Arabic and Islamic studies within and outside Ilorin as a repository of knowledge.

Though he was not as popular in public preaching and speaking as some of his contemporaries, he was, however, respected for his deep knowledge and ascetic life. He was subsequently highly venerated and rated in Ilorin along with the community's first Grand Mufti and founder of the Ansarul Islam Society of Nigeria, Shaykh Muhammad Kamaluddeen Al-Adabiyy (1905-2005) who was the subject of one of his literary pieces; and the founder of the famous Arabic and Islamic Training Centre(Markaz), Agege,Lagos State, Shaykh Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory (1917-1992) in whose honour he composed some poems.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma was a humble person who loved and respected all scholars as evidenced from a line of one of his poems thus: 

"Indeed for me, I love all scholars #
In any position I adored and cherish them”. 

Many of his works have attracted the attention of modern scholars of Arabic and Islamic studies who premised their academic researches(leading to award of degrees) on them for the benefit of the present and future generations.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma, who had earlier began his scholastic career in Lagos, was said to have acquired some fame and competed favourably with emerging contemporaries of his time as an humble and promising teacher and scholar. 

Baba Agbarigidoma, as he was popularly known towards the end of his life, however, relocated to Ilorin to become the Imam of Agbarigidoma Mosque in the Alore area of Ilorin in 1956. He served as the Imam of the Mosque till his death. Indeed, he spent 45 years as the Imam of the Mosque during which he led the congregation in the observance of the five daily prayers in the mosque for so many years..

Shaykh Agbarigidoma was also a respected leader of Sufism and Member of the Tijjaniya Order. He led a group of the Tijanniyyah adherents in the conduct of the Tijaniyyah liturgical services,which attracted participants from all over Ilorin and beyond for many decades.

He was also the founder of the Zumuratus Soliheen Arabic and Islamic Institute, which is located opposite Air Force Road, Agbarigidoma Street, Off Alimi Road, Oloje, Ilorin. This great son of Ilorin also conducted regular lectures in the Holy month of Ramadan. He was an excellent interpreter of the messages of the Holy Quran to the vast majority of Muslims who trooped to his mosque during the Holy month of Ramadan for spiritual guidance and counseling.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma although honoured some invitations to social events like naming, wedding and funeral ceremonies during his lifetime, he would be greatly remembered for his reserved nature. More often than not, this illustrious son of Ilorin preferred making his presence felt or feelings about events known through fantastic poetical compositions, which were always, according to the late Prof. Musa Ajetumobi (1949-2008), constructed in sound Arabic. He rarely attended such events in person possibly to reduce the "profanity" associated with public appearance of scholars of his caliber.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma taught for more than 60 years using the combination of traditional and modern methods. He also provided leadership for thousands of Muslims and also had chains of outstanding students who studied under him. 

His Arabic School and career produced so many distinguished scholars such as Shaykh Abdulwahab Afonta, an Osogbo, Osun State-based crowd-pulling preacher; and Shaykh Abdulmajeed Ayinla, the Chief Imam and Missioner of the Nawairudeen Society of Nigeria, Lagos. The ex-pupils of Shaykh Agbarigidoma also included Shaykh Abdulkadir Imam Agbandangi, who was a Lagos based accomplished Muslim scholar and an Hajj technocrat as well as Shaykh Hassan Ambali Onikanhum, who served as the Imam of the Fadeyi-Lagos Branch of the Ansarudeen Society of Nigeria. The Grand Patron of the IEDPU, Northern Zone and the Imam of Alaaya Ancient Mosque, Pakata, Ilorin, Shaykh Murtala Nurudeen Alaaya, also had his initial training under the watch of the late distinguished cleric. Other outstanding scholars produced by him were Late Shaykh Burhanudeen Olokonla, Ita-Egba; Shaykh Ghali Agbaji, the founder of Jawahiru Arabic and Islamic School,Ogidi; Shaykh Solagberu, Shaykh Abdulrahman Onitsa Al-korowi, Shaykh Abdullahi Olosan, Shaykh Ali Dodo Olokonla, and a renowned preacher, Shaykh Umar Babatunde, aka Soyibul Bayyan Wal-Tibyan, to mention a few.

Shaykh Agbarigidoma was happily married. He was also blessed with many successful children who are doing quite well in various fields. This great son of Ilorin died on Monday, (Muharam) May 7, 2001 and his remains were buried in a grave he had deliberately supervised its digging several years before his eventual transition, which suggested that he was prepared for the "eventual eventuality".

While I pray the Almighty Allah to bless Ilorin with more of his likes who will do as they teach, it is also my prayers that may the soul of this eminent son of the southernmost Emirate continue to enjoy the pleasure of Allah and may all he strove for remain blessed forever and ever. Aamiin.

Sufistic Activities of Shaykh Abu Bakr Agbarigidoma

The Sufistic activities of Shaykh Agbarigidoma can be traced back to his early age when he developed a Sufi style of living as he occupied himself with superrogative activities of Islam, such as fasting always, keeping vigil. He was exposed to Tijaniyyah Sufi order by Hashim Agbarigidoma whom the Shaykh used to accompany to lle Oniwiridi, Pakata in Ilorin, where they would observe some of rites of the Tijaniyyah order. At a later time, Shaykh Agbarigidoma was initiated into the Tijaniyyah Sufi order by Shaykh Muqaddam Bashar b. Muhammmed Bello Oniwiridi Adangba (d. 1956 CE).

In continuation of spiritual activities, he came into contact with Shaykh Umar Falke of Kano (d. 1962) who gave him ijazah (license of authority) to initiate others into the Tijaniyyah Sufi order.

It was when the issue of Tarbiyyah became a debatable issue among the Sufi scholars in Ilorin that he (The Shaykh) went to Kano and met Shaykh Abu Bakr Atiq who guided him on the Sufi spiritual training (Tarbiyyah).

Shaykh Abu Bakr Agbarigidoma also met many other Tijaniyyah Sufi scholars in Nigeria and outside the country from whom he benefited spiritually. They include the following: Shaykh Ahmad at-Tijani Uthman al-Kanawi (d. 1970) who granted him an absolute authority and permission to initiate others. Shaykh Muhammad Gibrim Nguru, Nigeria (d. 1975 CE). 

The Shaykh also had contact with some Sufi scholars in some countries like Senegal and Niger Republic. He identified himself with Faydah at-Tijaniyyah (Divine Flood of the Tijaniyyah order) which Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass proclaimed.

The Shaykh, haven been granted permission to initiate others into the Tijaniyyah order initiated many Sufi novices into the Tijaniyyah order and made his Agbarigidoma mosque as the Zawiyah where ritual litanies of the order are recited.

However, it was discovered that toward the tail-end of the Shaykh's life, he concentrated much on teaching and learning. This does not suggest that he abandoned the Sufi litanies as he still put some Sufi novices in spiritual training (Tarbiyyah) in line with the teachings of prophet Muhammed (S, A, W). His Sufi activities as well as tendencies form part of his works. 

May Allah (Swt) forgive our Sheik and grant him Aljanat fridaous Amin 🙏🙏

Shaykh Abubakar Sidiq Agbarigidoma as a Poet

Shaykh Agbarigidoma was gifted and blessed with writing of Arabic poems, a creative art that, according to the Yoruba adage, is very complicated and tedious to do and carry out "Ise nla orin kewu" (writing or composing Arabic poems is a big and an heavy task). He wrote and composed poems as if he was talking and making natural speech. This may be the reason that led to the submission of some people to conclude that, the adherents of Tijäniyyah order are very good in writing poems. Almost of all of the works of Sheikh Agbarigidoma are poems that appear in poetic form. He wrote poems on different themes, such as; Madh (Eulogy) of the prophets and personalities like his teacher, Shaykh Ahmad Awelenje of Shaki, remembrance of Ilorin's scholars, history of establishment of his school, Zumratuş-Şalihin and its teachers, completion of llorin's central Mosque in 1980, al-'I'tiraful bil-Jamil (Profound Gratitude), Ratha (elegy), Madh (eulogy), Qasa'id (odes) on al-'Adab (Literature), al-Markazi of Agege, al-Mal (wealth and money) etc.. While he noted in his numerous poetic works that the perfection belongs to Allah, you may find some slight errors in his poems to show that he was a human or as it is said, "Perfection belongs only to Allah". Above all, he put and developed much interest on writing poems, as he wrote many poems with different stanzas.


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✓ The Prophetic Path (Tariqat al-Nubuwa) — by Abdul-Rashid Ayinla

✓ Handbook for every Tijaniyyat [by Shaikh Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi]

✓ Understanding the Concept of Will-Making in Islam (Fee Manzoori-l-Islam) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

✓ An Epistle to the World. The Translation of Ayuhā-l Walad (Dear Beloved Son) [Imām Ghazālī] Translated by Abdul-Qadir Okeneye

✓ Principles of Islamic Studies: A Subtle Synopsis of the Ten Principles for 17 Islamic Sciences (By Harūn Verstaen)

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✓ Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qur’ān al-Karīm (In the Meadows of Tafsir/Exegesis for the Noble Quran) - by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī)
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✓ Majmū’ Rihlāt Ash-Shaykh Ibrāhīm [Ar-Rihlat al-Hijaziyya al-ūlā, Nayl al-Mafāz al-awd ilā-l Hijāz, Ar-Rihlat al-Kanāriyya wal Kumāshiyya, Ar-Rihlat al-Kunākriyya]

✓ Jawāhir ar-Rasā’il al-hāwī ba’ad al-‘ulūm wasīlat al-wasā’il (Collection of Essential Epistles of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse) [Compiled by Shaykh Ahmad Abul Fathi] (Arabic)

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✓ Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" – (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)

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