By: Mallam Issah Khalifa Sheikh Abdul Wadud Haruna Ciessey of Kumasi 

New York.



The then kadi of northern Nigeria Sheikh Abubakar Gumi asked him to give a fatwah. He commenced the letter by addressing him as "Ya Maulaya" (my master). 

In the Name of Allah most Gracious most Merciful. Praises and Peace be upon the noble Prophet ﷺ 

Your eminence Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse, after all greetings and honor, I wish you will throw light on the following sufi (related) fatwa may Allah have mercy upon you.  

We have some people among us who relates to you (as your follower) and claims he trains his students (in spiritual sense), in the state of "khalwah" or seclusion, in which the student worships until he reaches a stage where it is said he has attained where it is intended (to attain). It is for a student (murid) to submerge himself in a state and answer anything which his Sheikh would ask him (and say) it is "Allah".

If it is authenticated by the sharia then what is the interpretation of the (Quranic verse) [Lord of the Worlds] to the one who reached this stage? And what is the difference between it and "hulul" or manifestation of Allah (in human) or the claim of "nasarah" or Christians about trinity. Enlighten us may Allah have mercy upon you.

So what is the ruling on him in that and if he would be asked about himself he would say he is "Allah". And about a chair or anything he would reply in same manner. And what is the ruling on this kind of knowledge according to the sharia? And provide reference from the Qur'anic scriptures and authentic Ahadith of the Prophet (s.a.w). And may Allah Almighty reward you and thank you very much.

Your student who us interested (to benefit from you),

 Abubakar Mahmoud Gumi

Then Sheikh replied him saying: 

All praises are due to Allah the One and Alone, He neither gave birth (to anyone) nor was he born and no one was equal to Him. He was the First, the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden and He has knowledge over all things. And praise and peace be upon the messenger of guidance, our master Muhammad ﷺ, who said: Allah (first) existed and there was nothing with him. And Sayyidina Aliyu said: (He is currently exist in what He finds Himself in). 

However, you as a good brother, a friend and a counselor, chief justice of Muslims in Nigeria, Alhaji Abubakar Gumi, you asked about what comes out of the tongues of some (murids) who claim they have reached and attained or succeeded (in) or annihilated (attained Allah's true manifestation, or have reached the peak of reality of divine knowledge). 

And these words(،سلوك، وصول، فتح والفناء) were defined by the people of tassawuf and has one meaning. And perhaps all of them from the beginning spoke about what he means about this at the point of their love of the truth (Allah).

And in their state of diving deep in the (divine)  presence, until they would not hear or see anything that moves in the world and the person would say Allah (manifested Himself) in every situation. But he never meant that this that he sees and looks is Allah the Exalted and Almighty. 

Just like it happened to prophet Ibrahim (a.s.), he saw a star and he said this is my lord, he saw a moon and said this is my lord and he saw a sun and said this is my lord. And Allah Almighty said: {He was not among those who associate partners with Him}.

So if he has meant that the star was his lord, he  would have become a "mushrik" or a polyteist. That is why we observe when Ibrahim was mentioned in the Qur'an, "shirk" or polytheism was negated or abrogated from him. And these states or situations as the one who knows about it does not last long.

So if he has meant that the star was his lord, he  would have become a "mushrik" or a polytheist. That is why we observe when Ibrahim was mentioned in the Qur'an, "shirk" or polytheism was negated or abrogated from him. And these states or situations as the one who knows about it does not last long. 

So in any case whoever speaks with what contradicts the Qur'an, we the protectors of the Qur'an will declare him a "kafir" or non believer.
If he repents and leaves that behind, we will accept him. In every situation you would find the truthful and untruthful people.  

He who pretended to be in a state in which he is not part of

He will be exposed by the evidences of test or trial (which will manifest his lies)

We therefore pray to Allah to showcase us the truth and bless us to abide by it and showcase as the falsehood and bless us to abstain from it and to grant us the ability to stick to what He cherishes and pleases with. 

These two correspondence (question and answer) between Sheikh Abubakar Gumi and Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim happened in Madinah Al-Munnawarah. The best of peace be upon the dweller inside it (s.a.w).

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