Written by: Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse
Translation of: Imam Hassan Cisse
Transcribed & Edited by: Alhaji Abdul Hakim Halim
Re-Edited & Arranged by: Isma‘eel Bakare
روح الأدب لما حوي من حكم و أدب
تأليف مولانا الشيخ الحاج ابراهيم نياس
وصلى الله علىى النبي الكريم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
1. يَقُولُ إِبْرَاهِيمُ نَجْلُ الْـحَاجِ ** عَبْدِ
الإِلَــٰـهِ بَدْرِنَا الْوَهَّاجِ
1. Yaquulu Ibraahimu najlu-l Hajji ** ‘Abdi-l Ilaahi badrinaa-l wahhaji
1. Says
Ibrahim the son of Al-Hajj ** Abdullahi, our glowing moon.
2. مِنْ بَعْدِ
بِاسْمِ اللهِ ثُمَّ الْـحَمْدِ ** لِلّٰهِ ذِي الطَّوْلِ الْعَظِيمِ المَجْدِ
2. min ba‘adi bismi-llahi thumma-l hamdi ** lillahi dhii-t tawli ‘l-‘Azeemi
2. Having
started with the Name of Allah and Praise ** All of it to Allah the Possessor
of great Blessings and Glory.
3. نَصِيحَةٌ مِنِّي إِلَى
إِخْوَانِي ** فَلْتُمْسِكُواْ طَرِيقَةَ التِّجَانِي
3. Naseehatun min-nii ilaa ikhwaanee ** fal-tumsikuu Tareeqat at-Tijaanee
3. An
advice from me to my brothers, ** Adhere to the path of Tijaniyya!
4. طَرِيقَ مَحْضِ الْفَضْلِ
وَالرِّضْوَانِ ** أُسِّسَ بِالسُّنَّةِ وَالْفُرْقَانِ
4. Tareeqa
mah’di-l fadli wa-r ridwaani ** ussisa bi-s sunnati wa-l furqaani.
4. A path
of pure grace and satisfaction, ** Founded and established upon the path of the
Prophet (SAWS) and the Qur`an.
5. وَلَازِمُواْ لَازِمَ ذِي
الطَّرِيقِ ** بِذَا يُنَالُ الرِّبْحُ بِالتَّحْقِيقِ
5. wa laazimuu laazima dhii-t tareeqi **
bi-dhaa yunaalu-r rib’hu bi-t tah’qeeqi
Continuously say the Wird (Litanies) obligatory to this tariqa ** By this,
benefits are achieved without doubt.
6. فَلَسْتَ فِي أَخْذِ
الطَّرِيقِ تَرْبَحُ ** إِلَا إِذَا كُنْتَ دَوَامًا تَصْلُحُ
6. fa-lasta fii akhzi-t tareeqi tar’bahu ** ilaa idhaa kunta dawaaman tasluhu
6. You
will not profit by taking this tariqa, ** Except you continuously seek
7. مُكَمِّلًا شُرُوطَهُ
الْـمُقَرَّرَهْ ** مُكَابِدًا آدَابَهُ الْـمُعْتَبَرَهْ
mukammilaan shuruutahu-l muqarrarah ** mukaabidan aadaabahu-l mu‘tabarah
7. Fulfilling
all prescribed conditions, ** Exemplifying its ethical code.
8. مُعَظِّمًا لِأَهْلِهِ
جَمِيعَا ** لَا سِيَّمَا الْـخَاصَّةُ كُنْ مُطِيعَا
mu‘azimaan li-ah’lihi jamee‘aa ** laa siyyamaa l-khassatu kun mutee-‘aa
8. Exalting
all its people ** particularly the special ones: to them, be obedient.
9. إِذَا شَرَعْتَ فِي ادِّكَارِ
الْوِرْدِ ** فَلَازِمِ الْأَدَبَ قَدْرَ الْـحَدِّ
9. Idhaa shara‘ata fii-dikaari l-wir’di ** fa-laazimi l-adaba qadra l-haddi
9. When
you start to perform this wird, ** Always discipline yourself as much as
10. تَأَدَّبْ فِي ظَاهِرٍ
وَبَاطِنِ ** بِهِ يُرَقَّى الْـمَرْءُ لِلْمَوَاطِنِ
10. ta-addab fii zaahirin wa baatinin ** bihi yuraqqaa l-mar’u
10. Be of
good manners openly and secretly, ** With it does one climb unto high
11. وَاسْتَحْضـِرَنَّ شَيْخَكَ
الْـمُرَبِّي ** كَذَاكَ شَيْخَهُ بِدُونِ رَيْبِ
11. was-tah’diran
shaikha’ka al-murabbii ** ka-dhaaka shaikha’hu bi-duuni raybi
11. And
picture in your mind, the Shaykh that brought you up, ** Likewise his Shaykh
without doubt.
12. وَلَازِمُواْ الْـحُضُورَ
وَالسُّكُونَا ** كَذَاكَ خَلْوَةً تُعِينُ حِينَا
12. wa laazimuu l-huduura wa s-sukuunaa ** ka-dhaaka khalwatan wa tu‘eenu heenaa
Always maintain concentration and calmness, ** Likewise seclusion helps in
drawing near (to Allah).
13. وَاطْلُبْ مُرَبِّيًا
خَبِيرًا نَاصِحَا ** كَامِلَ عِرْفَانٍ إِمَامًا صَالِحَا
13. watlub
murabbiyan khabeeran naasihaa ** kaamila
‘irfaanin imaaman saalihaa
13. Seek
for a knowledgeable and experienced teacher with sound advice, ** Complete in Gnosis/knowledge
of Divine Lord (and of course) a righteous leader.
14. مَلِّكْهُ نَفْسَكَ فَلَا
تُدَبِّرْ ** وَكُنْ كَمَيِّتٍ دَوَامًا تُخْبِرْ
malik’hu nafsaka falaa tudabbir ** wa kun ka-mayyitin dawaaman tukhbir
14. Submit
yourself completely to him and don't experiment (on your efforts), ** Be like a
dead person before its washer and you shall be informed.
15. وَلَا تُخَالِفْهُ وَلَوْ
بَانَ فَسَا ** دُ رَأْيِهِ فَكُنْ دَوَامًا ذَا ائْتِسَا
15. walaa tukhaalif’hu wa law baana fasaa.. ** ..du ra-ayhi fakun
dawaaman dhaa’tisaa
15. Don't
oppose him even if the mistake of his opinion ** becomes glaring, be always a
16. فَخَطَأٌ لِلشَّيْخِ أَقْوَمُ
وَأَلْـ ** يَقُ مِنَ الْـمُرِيدِ عِنْدَ مَنْ عَقَلْ
16. Fakhatahun li-shaykhi aqwamu wa al.. ** ..yaku
mina l muridi ‘inda man ‘aqal
16. For
the teacher’s mistake could be more upright and ** proper than the student’s
opinion, according to people of intellect.
17. لَا تَلْتَفِتْ لِغَيْرِهِ
فِي الْعَالَمِ ** وَكُنْ كَمَا لَوْ كَانَ دُونَ عَالَمِ
17. La tal'tafit li-gayri fi l-‘aalami ** Wakun kamaa law kaana duuna ‘aalami
17. Do
not turn to other than him in the universe, ** And be with him as if there is
no universe.
18. فَلَيْسَ لِلْـمُرِيدِ غَيْرُ
ذَا الْوَلِي ** مَعَ الرَّسُولِ ثُمَّ مَوْلَاهُ الْعَلِي
18. fa-laysa
lil-mureedi gayru dhaa-l'walii ** ma‘a-rasuuli
thumma mawlaahu-l ‘alii
18. For
there is nothing for the student other than this Saint (Shaykh Ahmad Tijani), **
Alongside with the Prophet (SAWS) and surely his Lord, the Most High.
19. مَا دَامَ غَيْرُهُمْ
بِقَلْبٍ لَا يُنَالْ ** مَعْرِفَةُ الْـمَوْلَى أَقُولُ بِارْتِجَالْ
19. Maa
daama gayruhum bi-qalbin la yunaal ** Ma'arifatu-l
mawla aquulu bi-rtijaal
19. As long as there is other
than him in a heart it will not attain, ** gnosis/the knowledge of the Master
(Allah), this I say with all certainty.
20. وَكُنْ مَعَ الشَّيْخِ دَوَامًا
تَرْبَحُ ** وَكُنْ مُحِبًّا وَامِقًا فَتُفْلِحُ
20. Wakun ma‘a-sh shaykhi dawaaman tarbahu ** Wa-kun muhibban waamiqan
20. Be at
all times with the Shaykh to profit, ** Be at all times tenderly in love to
21. بِقَدْرِ مَا تُحِبُّهُ
تَنَالُ ** إِمْدَادَهُ فَالْقَوْمُ هَذَا قَالُواْ
21. Biqa'dri maa tuhibuhu tanaalu ** imdaaduhu
fal-qawmu aadhaa qaaluu
21. In
proportion to your love for him you receive ** his spiritual providence, the
people (Sufis) have said this repeatedly.
22. أَنْفِقْ طَرِيفًا تَالِدًا
فِي طَلَبِ ** رِضَاهُ بَادِرْ إِنْ أَشَارَ تُصِبِ
Anfiq tareefan taalidan fii talabi ** ridaahu baadir in-ashaara tusibi
22. Spend
out of your new and old possessions in seeking ** his satisfaction, and be
prompt to his signals, then you will get it right.
23. وَأَرْضِ شَيْخَكَ وَلَوْ
أَبْكَاكَا ** لَكِنَّهُ لِلْخَيْرِ قَدْ هَدَاكَا
23. wa-ardi shaykhaka
walaw abkaakaa ** lakinnahu lil-khayri qad
23. And
satisfy your Shaykh even if he makes you weep, ** because it is to goodness, he
guides you.
24. وَاحْرِصْ عَلَى الْأَوْقَاتِ
أَيَّ حِرْصِ ** وَاحْذَرْ مِنَ انْ تُبْلَى بَلَاءَ نَقْصِ
24. wa'hris ‘alaa-l awqaati ayya hirsi ** wa'h-dhar mina-n tublaa balaaha naqsi
24. Be
covetous of your time with such greed, ** Be warned you shall be afflicted with
test of decline.
25. إِذَا رَأَيْتَ مَظْهَرَ
الْـجَمَالِ ** لَا تَطْغَ وَارْضَ مَظْهَرَ الْـجَلَالِ
25. Idha ra'ayta
maz'hara-l jamaali ** laa tatgaa war’da maz'hara-l jalaali
25. When
you see manifestation of opulence, ** Do not exceed limits, be content with the
manifestation of dispossession.
26. فَكُلُّ ذَا أَمْرُ الإِلَــٰـهِ
يُسْدَى ** قَدْ جَلَّ أَنْ يُعْتَبَ فِيمَا أَسْدَى
26 Fakullu dhaa amru-l-Ilaahi yusdaa ** qad
jalla an yu‘utaba fiimaa asdaa
26. For
all of these (manifestations) are affairs of Allah's unfolding, ** Glorious is
He to be blamed for what He Destines.
27. لَا تَتَأَلَّـمَنْ إِذَا
رَأَيْتَا ** إِذَايَةَ الْـخَلْقِ لِذَا خُلِقْتَا
27 Laa tata-allaman idhaa ra'aytaa ** idhaayata-l khalqi li-dhaa khuliqtaa
27. Do
not be anguished when you are afflicted ** with mischiefs of His creations, for
that you were created. (i.e. to meet such realities of life).
28. أَجْرَى الْأَذَى مِنْهُمْ
لِئَلَّا تَرْكَنَا ** إِلَيْهِمُ بَلْ لِلْإِلَــٰهِ فَارْكَنَا
28 Ajraa-l adhaa min-hum li-alaa tar’kanaa
** Ilay'himu bal lil-Illaahi far’kanaa
Mischief is made to flow from them so that you don't rely ** on them - but on
Allah should you solely rely.
29. وَإِنْ بُلِيتَ بِاشْتِدَادٍ
وَشُرُورْ ** فَاصْبِرْ سَيَاتِيْكَ انْفِرَاجٌ وَسُرُورْ
29 Wa-in buliita bi-shtidaadin wa shuruur
** Fasbir sayaatiika n'firaajun wa suruur
29. When
tested with difficulties and afflictions, ** Persevere patiently, for
thereafter shall come relief and happiness.
30. فَكُلُّ لَيْلٍ بَعْدَهُ
نَهَارُ ** وَكُلُّ عُـسْرٍ بَعْدَهُ يَسَارُ
30 Fakullu laylin
ba‘adahu nahaaru ** wa kullu ‘usrin ba‘adahu yasaaru
30. For
after every night comes the day, ** And after every hardship comes the ease.
31. بَلْ كُلُّ عُـسْرٍ بَعْدَهُ
يُـسْرَانِ ** كَمَا أَتَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ الْعَدْنَانِ
31 Bal kullu ‘usrin ba‘adahu yus'raani **
Kamaa ataa ‘an Ahmad al-‘adnaani
Rather, after every hardship comes double ease, ** As related from Ahmad (SAWS)
the Legendary Adnan.
32. إِذَا عَلِمْتَ ذَا تَكُونُ
رَاضِيَا ** حُكْمَ الإِلَــٰـهِ كُلُّ وَقْتٍ بَاقِيَا
32 Idhaa ‘alimta dhaa takuunu raadiyaa **
Hukma-l Ilaahi kullu waqtin baaqiyaa
32. If
you know that, then you shall always be satisfied, ** (With) Allah's decision
which at all times must prevail.
33. إِذَا طَلَبْتَ مَطْلَبًا
عَدِمْتَهُ ** فَضَيْرَهُ يَدْرِي وَمَا دَرَيْتَهُ
33. Idhaa talabta matlaban ‘adimtahu **
Fadayrahu yadrii wa maa daraytahu
Whenever you seek a request that is lacking, ** The dangers of it He knows, and
you don't.
34. يَدْفَعُ مَا يَضُـرُّ
لُطْفًا مِنْهُ لَا ** تَتَّهِمَنْ إِلَــٰـهَنَا فَتَخْذُلَا
34. Yadfa‘u maa yadurru lutfaan min’hu
laa ** Tattahiman Ilaahanaa fatakh’dhulaa
34. He
deters what is dangerous (from you) out of His tenderness, ** therefore don't accuse
our Lord otherwise you shall be abandoned.
35. لَوْ يَعْلَمُ الْإِنْسَانُ
مَا الرَّحْمَنُ ** يَلْقَى الشـُّرُورَ ضَاحِكًا إِنْسَانُ
35. Lau ya‘alamu-l insaanu maa-r-Rahmaanu
** Yal'qaa-sh shuruura daahikaan insaanu
35. Were
man to know Who the Merciful (Allah) is, ** He would have been facing
afflictions, a smiling man.
36. لَا تَطْلُبِ الْعِزَّ لَدَى
الْـخَلْقِ بِلَا ** تَعَزُّزٍ عِنْدَ الْـمَلِيكِ لَا وَلَا
36. Laa tat'lubi-l ‘izza ladaa-l khalqi
bilaa ** ta‘azuzin ‘inda-l maleeki laa wa-laa
36. Don't
seek exaltation from the creation without ** Being exalted by the Creator, no!
37. لَا تَفْرَحَنْ بِأَنْعُمٍ
أُنْعِمْتَا ** وَافْرَحْ بِمَنْ أَنْعَمَ إِنْ عَقِلْتَا
37. Laa tafrahan bi an-‘umin un-‘imtaa
** Wafra’h bi-man an-‘ama in ‘aqaltaa
37. Don't be glad with favors you are bestowed with, ** Instead, be glad
with the Bestower (Allah) if you reason.
38. فَكُلُّ نِعْمَةٍ تَزُولُ
دُونَ مَنْ ** أَسْدَى فَذَاكَ الْبَاقِ فِي كُلِّ زَمَنْ
38. Fakullu ni‘imatin tazuulu duuna man
** Asdaa fadhaaka-l baaqi fii kulli zaman
38. For
every favor will vanish except the Bestower, ** For that (subsistence of the Bestower) is the Everlasting,
at all times.
39. لَا تَحْقِرَنَّ مُسْلِمًا
لَا تَذْكُرَا ** عَيْبَ امْرِئٍ وَالْعَيْبُ مِنْكَ قَدْ يُرَى
39. Laa tah’qiranna muslimaan laa tadh’kuraa
** Aiba m'rihin wa l'haibu minka qad yuraa
39. Don't
despise any Muslim and don't mention, ** people's faults, for the faults from
you are likely to be seen.
40. فَرُبَّ ذِي طِمْرَيْنِ
أَغْبَرَ وَلَوْ ** أَقْسَمَ بِالْـمَوْلَى أَبَرَّ قَدْ رَوَوْاْ
40. Farubba dhii tamrayni ag’bara walaw
** Aqsama bil-mawlaa abarra qad rawaw
40. Perhaps if the one in dusty tattered garments **
is to invoke the Master (Allah), he will be honored as has been reported
41. لَا تَـضُرَّنَّ مُسْلِمًا
وَلَوْ ظَهَر ** ضُرٌّ عَلَى يَدَيْهِ دَأْبًا فَاغْتَفِرْ
41. La tadurranna muslimaan walaw zahar
** Durrun ‘alaa yadaihi da’abaan fa'gtafir
41. Don't
harm a Muslim even if it appears that, ** he persistently harms, be forgiving.
42. فَإِنَّ ذَا الْـخَلْقَ
عِبَادُ اللهِ ** فَلَا تَـضُرْ أَخِي عِبَادَ اللهِ
42. Fa-inna dhaa-l khal'qa ‘ibaadu-llahi
** Falaa tadur akhii ‘ibaada-llahi
42. For
indeed, all these creations are Allah's servants, ** Do not harm, oh my
brothers the servants of Allah.
43. وَلَسْتَ تَرْضَى مَنْ
يَـضُرُّ عَبْدَكَا ** وَإِنْ أَسَا فَاتَّقِيَنَّ رَبَّكَا
43 Walasta tar’daa man yadurru ‘abdakaa ** Wa-in
asaa faa-ttaqiyanna
43. For
you will not be pleased with him who ill-treats your servant, ** Even if he does
wrong, fear therefore your Lord.
44. وَلَازِمِ الْـحُزْنَ
وَذِكْرَ الْـمَوْتِ ** لَا تَنْسَهُ كَذَا سُؤَالَ الْـمَيْتِ
44. Wa laazimi-l huzna wa dhikra-l mawti
** Laa tansahu kadhaa su'aala-l mayti
Persist in sadness and the thoughts of death, ** Don't forget also the
questioning of the dead (in the grave).
45. لَا بُدَّ أَنْ تُقَدِّمَ
التَّعَلُّمَا ** فَكُنْ لِـشِرْعَةِ الْإِلَــٰـهِ مُحْكِمَا
45 Laa budda an tuqaddima-t ta‘allamaa
** Fakun li-shir‘ati l-Ilaahi muh’kamaa
45. It is inevitable to first and foremost seek
knowledge ** And you must study the laws of Allah (Shari’at) properly.
46. فَالْعِلْمُ عُمْرِي هُوَ
إِمَامُ الْعَمَلِ ** كَمَا أَتَى عَنْ طَهَ خَيْرِ الرُّسُلِ
46 Fa-l ‘ilmu ‘umrii huwa imaamu-l ‘amali
** Kamaa ataa ‘an taha khayri-r
46. I
swear by my life that knowledge is the leader of actions, ** As was transmitted
from Ta-Ha (SAWS), the best of all messengers.
47. حَصِّلْ عُلُومًا أَرْبَعًا
ذَا السَّالِكْ ** أَوَّلُـهَا عِرْفَانُ رَبٍّ مَالِكْ
47. hassil ‘uluumaan arba-‘aan dhaa-s saalik
** Awwaluhaa ‘irfaanu Rabbin maalik
Obtain four types of knowledge, oh you traveller (on the divine path), ** The
first of it is the knowledge of the Lord, the Possessor (divine gnosis).
48. وَالثَّانِ أَنْ تَعْرِفَ مَا
يُعَلَّقُ ** عَلَى الْعِبَادَاتِ فَذَا تَحَقُّقُ
48 Wa-th thaani
an ta‘arifa maa yu‘allaqu ** ‘alaa-l ‘ibaadaati fadhaa tahaqququ
48. And
secondly is to know all that is involved, ** In the worship of Allah, for that,
you will be certain.
49. ثَالِثُهَا عِرْفَانُ حَالِ
النَّفْسِ ** مِنْ غَدْرِهَا وَكَيْدِهَا وَالدَّسِّ
49. thaalithuhaa ‘irfaanu haali-n nafsi
** min gadrihaa wa kaydihaa wa-d dassi
49. And
thirdly is to learn the different states of soul, ** its treachery, deceptions
and plots.
50. لِلنَّفْسِ عَيْبٌ لِلْفُؤَادِ
عَيْبُ ** لِلرُّوحِ عَيْبٌ لَيْسَ فِيهِ رَيْبُ
50. Li-n nafsi ‘aybun lil-fu’aadi ‘aybu **
Li-r ruuhi ‘aybun laysa feehi raybu
50. For
the soul has defects, and the heart has defects, ** And the spirit has defects. In this, there is no doubt.
51. فَالْأَدَبَ الْأَدَبَ يَا
ذَا السَّالِكْ ** فَإِنَّهُ الْبَابُ لِكُلِّ سَالِكْ
51. Fa-l adaba-l adaba yaa dhaa-s saalik
** Fa-innahu l-baabu li-kulli saalik
51. And
the seeking of knowledge of good conduct on you disciple (is the fourth) ** For
indeed, it is the door for every disciple.
52. وَلْتَكُ خَاشِعًا أَخَا
تَوَاضُعِ ** فَلَسْتَ بِالْوَضِيعِ فِي التَّخَاضُعِ
52. Waltaku khaashi‘aan akhaa tawaadu‘i
** Fa-lasta bi-l wadee‘i fii-t takhaasu‘i
52. Be
God fearing, a man of humility, ** You will not by humbility, be abased.
53. فَالْعِلْمُ وَالْغِنَى
وَخِصْبٌ قَدْ أَتَتْ ** وَحَرَكَاتُ الْـخَفْضِ فِيهِنَّ رَسَتْ
53. Fa-l ‘ilmu wa-l ginaa wa khisbun qad
atat ** Wa harakaatu-l khafdi feehinna rasat
53. Because
Ilm (knowledge), Gina (wealth) and Khisb (fertility) are words that came (in
pronunciation), ** with low pitched vowels established in them.
54. وَالْـجَهْلُ وَالْفَقْرُ
وَجَدْبٌ قَدْ أَتَتْ ** وَحَرَكَاتُ الرَّفْعِ فِيهِنَّ رَسَتْ
54. Wa-l jahlu wa-l faqru wa jadbun qad atat ** Wa harakaatu-r raf-‘i feehinna
54. While
Jahl (ignorance), Faqr (poverty), Jadbu (infertility) are words that came (in
pronunciation) ** With high pitched vowels established in them.
55. فَذِي إِشَارَةٌ إِذَا
عَقَلْتَا **رَائِقَةٌ فَلْتَدْرِ مَا أُلْهِمْتَا
55. Fadhii ishaaratun idhaa ‘aqaltaa **
Raa’iqatun faltadri maa ul’himtaa
55. These
are signs if you reason ** clearly, so recognize what you have been inspired
56. لَا يَسْكُنُ السَّيْلُ عَلَى
الأَجْبَالِ ** وَلَا عَلَى الأَشْجَارِ فِي تَهْمَالِ
56. Laa yaskunu-s saylu ‘alaa-l ajbaali
** Walaa ‘alaa-l ash’jaari fii tah'maali
56. It’s
not on mountains that the floods settle, ** Nor on trees tops, regardless of
their heights.
57. لَا تَرْضَ عَنْ نَفْسِكَ لَا
تَرْجُ وَلَا ** تَخْشَ سِوَى الْـمَوْلَى سِوَاهُ أَهْمِلَا
57. Laa tar’da ‘an nafsika laa tarju
walaa ** Takh’sha siwaa-l mawlaa siwaahu uhmilaa
57. Never
be satisfied about yourself, nor hope or ** fear other than Allah; besides Him,
58. لَا تَتَكَبَّرْ يَا أَخِي
لَا تَحْسُدَا ** ولَا تُرَاءِ بَلْ إِلَــٰـهَكَ اقْصِدَا
58. Laa tatakabbar yaa akhii laa tah’sudaa
** Walaa turaa’i bal Ilaahaka iq'sidaa
58. Never
be arrogant, oh my brother! and do not be jealous, ** nor show-off, but seek
only your God.
59. وَالْكِبْرُ إِمَّا بِعُلُومٍ
أَوْ نَسَبْ ** أَوْ زُمَرٍ أَوْ فِعْلِ طَاعَةٍ نَشَبْ
59. Wal-kibru immaa bi-‘uluumin aw nasab
** Aw zumarin aw fi‘ili taa‘atin nashab
59. And arrogance arises either because of knowledge, or lineage, **
Or companionship, or getting involved in acts of devotions, and wealth.
60. مَعْصِيَةٌ تُورِثُ ذُلَّا
خَيْرُ ** وَطَاعَةٌ تُورِثُ كِبْرًا شَرُّ
60. Ma‘asiyatun tuurithu dhullaa khairu **
Wa taa‘atun tuurithu kibraan sharru
60. A sin
that leads about humility is good, ** While obedience or an act of devotion that
Results in arrogance is evil.
61. فَلَسْتَ تَخْلُصُ مِنَ
الْآفَاتِ ** إِلَّا بِشَيْخٍ عَارِفٍ تُوَاتِي
61. Fa-lasta takh'lusu mina-l ‘aafaati
** Illaa bi-shaykhin ‘aarifin tuwaatii
61. You
will never be free from blemish, ** Except by keeping company with a
Shaykh of divine knowledge/gnosis.
62. فَلْتُمْسِكَنْ بِعِصَمِ
الْـمَشَايِخِ ** إِذَا أَرَدْتَ نَيْلَ عِزٍّ شَامِخِ
62. Fal-tumsikan bi‘izami-l mashaayi'khi ** Idhaa arad'ta nayla ‘izzin shaamikhi
Adhere strongly to the protection of Shaykhs (of divine knowledge), ** If you
want to attain a lofty and exalted height.
63. خَيْرُ شُيُوخِ الدَّهْرِ
بِالإِطْلَاقِ ** إِمَامُنَا التِّجَانِ ذُو الأَخْلَاقِ
63. Khayru-sh shuyuukhi-d dah’ri bi-l it'laaqi
** Imaamunaa-t tidjani dhuu-l akhlaaqi
63. The
most excellent Shaykh of all time in all ramifications, ** Is our leader
(Shaikh Ahmad) al-Tijani, the possessor of great virtues.
64. بَرْزَخُ كُلِّ عَارِفٍ
وَأُسُّ ** لَـهُمْ وَيَنْبُوعٌ وَهْوَ شَمْسُ
64. Bar’zakhu kulli ‘aarifin wa ussu ** Lahum
wa yanbuu-‘un wah’wa shamsu
64. The
intermediary and foundation of every scholar of divine knowledge, ** he is to
them the flowing fountain and the sun.
65. وَخَيْرُ كُلِّ الطُّرْقِ
بِالْإِجْمَاعِ ** طَرِيقُهُ أَيْضًا بِلَا نِزَاعِ
65. Wa khairu kulli-t tur’qi bi-l ijmaa‘i ** Tariiquhu aydaan bilaa nizaa‘i
65. And
the best path (of Sufi order) by consensus, ** is also his path without any
66. وَيَسْتَحِيلُ جَمْعُهَا
بِأُخْرَى ** أَخْـسِرْ بِقَائِلٍ بِهِ فِي الْأُخْرَى
66. Wa yastaheelu jam‘uhaa bi-ukh’raa **
Akh’sir bi-qaa'ilin bihi fii-l ukh’raa
66. And,
it is impossible to combine its practice with any other (path of Sufi order), **
he is ruined (the one who combined it) alongside with the speaker of such (combination)
in the hereafter.
67. كَذَبَ وَافْتَرَى عَلَى
الإِلَــٰـهِ جَلْ ** إِنِّي أَقُولُ إِنَّ ذَا الْوِرْدَ بَجَلْ
67. kadhaba wa’ftara ‘alaa-l Ilaahi jal
** Innii aquulu inna dhaa-l wir’da bajal
67. He
has lied and fabricated against the Majestic God, ** I say (with emphasis),
that this Wird/Litany (of Tijaniyya) is the greatest.
68. وَلَازِمَنْ أَذْكَارَ هَذَا
الْوِرْدِ ** إِذًا لَعَمْرِي لِلْوُصُولِ تَهْدِي
68. Wa laaziman adh’kaara aadhaa-l
wir’di ** Idhaan la-‘amri lil-wusuuli tah'dii
Adhere to the remembrances of this (Tijaniyya) litanies, ** Then, I swear by my
life, onto Reality have you been guided.
69. حِزْبَ التَّـضَرُّعِ صَلَاةَ
الْفَاتِحْ ** كَذَاكَ اللَّهُمَّ عَلَيْكَ فَاتِحْ
69 Hizbu-t tadarru-‘i
salata-l faatih ** Kadhaaka-l llahumma ‘alayka
(Among these Tijaniyya litanies are) Hizbul Tadarru‘i (Supplication of Humble
Imploration), Salatul Fatih, ** also Allahumma Alaika Fatih (Allahumma ‘alayka
70. وَغَيْرَ ذِي مِمَّا حَوَى
الرِّجَالُ ** رِجَالُ ذِي الطَّرِيقِ إِنْ أَنَالُواْ
70. Wa gayru
dhii mimma hawaa-r rijaalu ** Rijaalu dhii-t tareeqi
in anaaluu
70. And
such other (litanies) possessed by the great men, ** The People of this Tariqa,
with their (special) permission.
71. لَكِنَّ سِرَّهُمْ بِجِدٍّ
قَدْ يُنَالْ ** لَا بِالْـهُوَيْنَا وَمُدَارَاةِ الرِّجَالْ
71. Lakinna sirrahum bi-jiddin qad
yunaal ** Laa bi-l huwaynaa wa mudaaraati-r
However, it is with great efforts that their secrets are obtained, ** Not by
laxity or by playing on the intelligence of men.
72. بَلْ بِالْتِزَامِ مَا
أَتَواْ لُزُومَا ** وَبِاتِّبَاعِ قَوْلِـهِمْ مَلْزُومَا
72. Bal bi-t
tizaami maa atau luzuumaa ** Wabi-t tibaa‘i qawlihim malzuumaa
72. But
rather by adhering to what they give firmly, ** And by following their
instructions always.
73. لَا تَخْتَرَنْ تَحَادُثَ
الأَقْرَانِ ** عَنِ الْـجُلُوسِ عِنْدَهُ يَا فَانِ
73. Laa takh’taran tahaadutha-l aqraani **
‘Ani-l juluusi ‘indahu yaa faani
73. Do not
prefer (vain talks) of your colleagues, ** To sitting with him (your Shaykh),
oh annihilated one!
74. إِذًا فَلَا تَطْمَعْ
بِنَيْلِ الأَسْرَارْ ** فَـالسِّرُّ لَا يُنَالُ عِنْدَ الإِجْهَارْ
74. Idhaan falaa tatma‘a bi-nayli-l asraar ** Fa-s sirru laa yunaalu ‘inda-l ij'haar
74. If
so, you will not be able to obtain secrets, ** For secrets are not obtainable
in public.
75. لَكِنْ إِذَا لَازَمْتَهُ فِي
الْغَالِبِ ** فَقَدْ تَفُوزُ مِنْهُ بِالْـمَطَالِبِ
75. Lakin idhaa laa zamtahu fii-l gaalibi
** Faqad tafuuzu min’hu bi-l mataalibi
75. But
if you rather stick to him (your Shaykh) always, ** You could succeed from him in
obtaining your requirement.
76. وَقَدْ تَفُوزُ مِنْهُ
بِالْعَدْوَى وَهِي ** ثَابِتَةٌ عِنْدَ الرِّجَالِ انْتَبِهِ
76. Waqad tafuuzu min'hu bi-l ‘adwaa wahii
** Thaabitatun ‘inda-r rijaali-ntabihi
76. You could also gain from
him by infection, and this, ** has been confirmed by the men (of knowledge), so
watch out.
77. مَنْ لَمْ يَنَلْ مَعْرِفَةَ
الرَّحْمَانِ ** أَعْمَارُهُ ضَاعَتْ مَدَى الْأَزْمَانِ
77 Man lam yanaal ma'arifata-r rahmaani
** A‘amaaruhu daa‘at madaa-l azmaani
Whosoever does not attain gnosis/the knowledge of the Merciful (Allah), ** his
life has been in ruin, for all time spent.
78. خَلَقْتُ ذَا الْـخَلْقَ
لِيَعْبُدُونِي ** يَعْنِي بِيَعْبُدُونِ يَعْرِفُونِي
78. khalaqtu dhaa-l khalqa li-ya‘abuduunii
** Ya‘anii bi-ya‘abuduuni ya‘arifuunii
78. (Allah
said) I created these creations to worship Me, ** "To worship Me"
meaning "To know Me".
79. لَا تَأْلُ جُهْدَكَ بِنَيْلِ
الْعِرْفَانْ ** إِذًا تَرَى عَجِيبَ قُرْبِ الرَّحْمَانْ
79. Laa ta'-lu juh’daka bi-nayli-l ‘irfaani
** Idhaa taraa ‘ajeeba qur’bi-r Rahmaan
79. Do
not relent your effort in acquiring the knowledge (of Allah), ** Then you shall
be astonished by the closeness of The Most Merciful.
80. يَظْهَرُ مِنْ شَيْءٍ عَلَى
شَيْءٍ لَدَى ** شَيْءٍ وَقَبْلَهُ وَبَعْدُ سَرْمَدَا
80. Yaz’har min shay’in ‘alaa shay’hin
ladaa ** Shay’hin wa qab’lahu wa ba‘adu sar’madaa
80. He is
manifest in everything, upon everything, and by ** everything, before it and
yet after it, forever.
81. وَإِنْ رَغِبْتَ فِي
ازْدِيَادِ الإِيمَانْ ** فَتُبْ نَصُوحًا أَرْدِفَنْهَا إِحْسَانْ
81. wa in ragibta fii-z’diyaadi-l eemaan
** Fa-tub nasuuhaan ardifan’haa ih’saan
81. If
you crave for the increase of faith, ** Immediately repent sincerely, and
follow it with the way of excellency.
82. لَا تُبْغِضَنَّ مُسْلِمًا
لَا تَغْضَبِ ** إِلَّا لِـهَتْكِ شِرْعَةِ الْـمُهَذَّبِ
82. Laa tubgidanna muslimaan laa tagdabi
** Illaa lihat’ki shir‘ati-l muhadh-dhabi
82. Don't
hate a Muslim nor get angry, ** Except towards the breaker of the refined law
83. لَازِمْ قِيَامَ اللَّيْلِ
جُوعَ مِعْدَهْ ** أَكْلُ الْـحَلَالِ الـصَّرْفِ أَيْضًا عُدَّهْ
83. Laazim qiyaama-l layli juu‘a mi‘idah
** Aklu-l halaali-s sarfi aydaan ‘uddah
Adhere to night vigil and hungry stomach, ** Eating of what is purely lawful
has equally been enumerated (as a way of increasing faith).
84. وَنَاصِحِ الإِخْوَانَ
وَاصْمُتْ صَاحِبِ ** أَهْلَ الْـمُرُوءَةِ مِنَ الأَقَارِبِ
84. wa naasihi-l ikhwaana wa-s’mut saahibi
** Ahla-l muruu’ati mina-l aqaaribi
84. And
give sincere advise to fellow brothers and maintain silence, keeping company
of, ** People of excellent morals among close relatives.
85. وَالْـمَرْءُ فِي دِينِ
قَرِينِهِ الْـحَمِيمْ ** إِنْ صَالِـحًا فَصَالِحٌ وَإِنْ بَهِيمْ
85. wa-l mar’u fii diini qareenihi-l hamiim
** In saalihaan fa-saalihun wa in bahiim
85. And a
man is in the religion of his close friend, ** If righteous, he too will be
righteous, even if unintelligent.
86. تَذَكَّرُ الْـمِيزَانِ نَـشْرِ
الصُّحُفِ ** مَا فِي الْـجَحِيمِ مِنْ دَوَامِ الأَسَفِ
86. Tadhakkarru-l miizaani nashri-s suhufi
** Maa fii-l jaheemi min dawaami-l asafi
Remember the scales (of weighing actions) and the distribution of the book (of
works), ** And what is in hell fire of perpetual grief.
87. وَفِي الْـجِنَانِ مِنْ
حِسَانِ الْـحُورِ ** مَعَ الْـجَوَارِ مَعْ حِسَانِ الدُّورِ
87. Wa fii-l janaani min hisaani-l huuri
** Ma‘a-l jawaari ma‘a hisaani-d duuri
87. And
what is in the paradise of beautiful maidens, ** Along with nice neighbours and
beautiful dwellings.
88. وَدُمْ عَلَى مُكَفِّرَاتِ
الذَّنْبِ ** آكَدُهَا صَلَاةُ هَذَا الْقُطْبِ
88. Wa-dum ‘alaa mukaffiraati-dh dhanbi
** Aakaduhaa salaatu aadhaa-l qutbi
88. And
persist (on worships) wipes away sins, ** The strongest (of such worship) is
the salat of this pivot leader (i.e. Salatul faith).
89. مِنْهَا الْـمُسَبَّعَاتُ
صُبْحًا وَمَسَا ** حِكَايَةُ الأَذَانِ أَيْضًا ذَا ائْتِسَا
89. Min’haa-l musabba‘aatu sub'han wa masaa
** Hikaayatu-l adhaani aydaan dha-tisaa
89. Among
them is the (recitation of) Musaba`at (al-ashri), morning and evening, ** imitation
of the Adhan (call to prayer) also, These will be of assistance.
90. أَنْوَاعُ أَذْكَارٍ أَتَتْ
فِي الْـمَذْهَبِ ** صَلَاتُنَا عَلَى الرَّفِيعِ الْـمَنْصِبِ
90. Anwaa‘u adhkaarin atat fii-l madh’abi
** Salatunaa ‘alaa-r rafee‘i-l mansibi
Various kinds of Azkar (worships) have been related in this school of thought
(of Tijani), ** Our salat (sending benedictions) on the exalted, dignified one
(Prophet, SAWS).
91. صَلَاةُ تَسْبِيحٍ
وَتَسْبِيحٌ كَذَا ** تَدَبُّرُ الْقُرْآنِ رَاعِ الْـمَـأْخَذَا
91. Salaatu tasbeehin wa tasbeehun kadhaa
** Tadabburu-l qur’aani raa‘i-l ma’-khadhaa
91. The
glorification prayers and glorification itself, ** Likewise Qur`an
92. وَرَكْعَتَانِ خُفْيَةً
نَقْلُ الْـخُطَّى ** إِلَى الْـمَسَاجِدِ يُكَفِّرُ الْـخَطَا
92. wa rak‘ataani khufyatan naqlu-l khutaa
** Ilaa-l masaajidi yukaffiru-l khataa
92. And
two rounds of prayers (rakats) made secretly and taking of steps ** to the
mosques, (all these) expiate sins.
93. كَذَاكَ إِسْبَاغُ الْوُضُوءِ
وَقُدِ ** أَعْمَى كَذَا قَضَاءُ حَاجَةٍ زِدِ
93. kadhaaka isbaagu-l wuduu’i wa-qudi **
A‘amaa kadhaa qadaa’u haajatin zidi
Likewise, the perfection of ablution and the guiding of ** a blind person, as
well as Fulfilling people’s needs (all these are among expiation of sins).
94. وَعَدُّ مَوْجِ الْبَحْرِ
فِكْرَةٌ مُصَا ** فَحَةُ الإِخْوَانِ فَخُذْ مُقْتَنِصَا
94. Wa‘addu mauji-l bahri fikratun musaa..
..fahatu-l ikhwaani fa-khudh muqtanisaa
94. And
the reflective counting of sea waves and ripples plus, Shaking the hands ** of
fellow Muslims should be taken advantage of (in seeking forgiveness).
95. تَعْمِيرُ شَخْصٍ رَمَضَانُ
صَوْمُهُ ** وَقَائِمٌ فِيهِ يُمَحَّى جُرْمُهُ
95. Ta‘ameeru shakh’sin ramadaanu saumuhu
** Wa qaa’imun feehi yumahhaa jur’muhu
Filling up of Ramadan by a person (with worship) and fasting in it, ** keeping
night vigils in it (Ramadan) erases his sins.
96. حَجٌّ وَعُمْرَةٌ وَسِرُّ
صَدَقَهْ ** مِنْ حِلِّ مَالٍ نِعْمَ تِلْكَ الصَّدَقَهْ
96. Hajjun wa ‘umratun wa sirru sadaqah
** Min hilli maalin ni‘ima tilka-s sadaqah
Performance of Hajj, Umra and charity in secret, ** Made from lawful wealth is
indeed a wonderful charity.
97. تَعْلِيمُ صِبْيَةٍ صَلَاةُ
الصَّفِّ ** فَكُلُّ ذَاكَ ذَكَرُواْ فِي الصُّحُفِ
97. Ta‘aleemu sibyatin salaatu-s saffi **
Fakullu dhaaka dhakaruu fii-s suhufi
Teaching of children (Qur’an and Hadith), praying in straight rows
(congregational prayers), ** All these are mentioned in the Book (Qur`an).
98. وَهَاكَ آفَاتٍ تُـقَسِّي
الْقَلْبَا ** حُبُّ الرِّيَاسَةِ أَشَدُّ عَيْبَا
98. Wa haaka aafaatin tuqassii-l qalbaa
** Hubbu-r riyasati ashaddu ‘aybaa
98. And
the following are defects that harden the heart, ** The love of leadership is
the worst of these defects.
99. مَزْحٌ وَغِيبَةٌ جَلِيسُ
السُّوءِ ** فُحْشٌ نَمِيمَةٌ وَنَفْسُ السُّوءِ
99. maz‘un wa gheebatun jaleesu-s suu’i **
Fuh’shu nameematun wa nafsun suu’i
Jesting, backbiting, sitting with bad/evil companions, ** Indecency,
slandering, and evil soul (are defects that harden the heart).
100. كَذَا هَوَى النَّفْسِ فَلَا
تَتَّبِـعِ ** وَفِي الدُّنَا ازْهَدِ بِلَا تَتَبُّعِ
100. Kadhaa hawaa-n nafsi falaa tattabi‘i
** Wa fi-d dunaa-z’hadi bilaa tatabbu‘i
Likewise passionate desires of mind/ego should not be followed, ** and in
worldly things, show abstinence without always following.
101. كُنْ حِلْسَ بَيْتٍ
وَاعْتَزِلْ كُلَّ الْوَرَى ** لَا تَسْتَطِبْ أَقَاوِلًا وَلَا مِرَا
101. kun hilsa baytin wa-‘atazil kulla-l waraa ** Laa tastatib aqaawilaan walaa
101. Be
someone who is homely and withdraw from people, ** Don't enjoy vain talks nor
disputes (of people).
102. وَغُضَّ طَرْفًا عَنْ عُيُوبِ
النَّاسِ ** وَلْتَغْفَلَنْ عَنْهُمْ بِكُلِّ بَاسِ
102. Wa-gudda tarfaan ‘an ‘uyuubi-n naasi
** Wal-tagfalan ‘an-hum bi-kulli baasi
102. Take
your eyes off people's faults, ** And as much as possible, pay them no
103. تَصَدَّقِ الْـمَـالَ
لِوَجْهِ اللهِ ** زُرْ قَبْرَ مُسْلِمٍ بِلَا تَنَاهِ
103. Tasaddaqa-l maala li-waj’hi-llahi **
Zur qabra muslimin bilaa tanaahi
103. Give
charity out of your wealth for Allah's sake, ** Visit Muslim tombs without
104. لَا تَحْلِفَنْ إِلَّا إِذَا
قَيَّدْتَا ** عَلَى الْـمَشِيئَةِ مَتَى حَلَفْتَا
104. Laa tah’lifan illaa idhaa qayyadtaa
** ‘alaa-l mashee‘ati mataa halaftaa
Don't ever swear except you limit (your swearing) ** to the will (of Allah)
whenever you do swear.
105. قَدِ انْتَهَتْ نَصِيحَةُ
الإِخْوَانِ ** عَلَى اخْتِصَارٍ مِثْلَ أَهْلِ الآنِ
105. qadi-n'tahat naseehatu-l ikhwaani **
‘alaa-kh’tisaarin mithla ahli-l aani
105. Here
comes to an end the brotherly advice, ** In summarised form just like people of
these days.
106. فِي عَامِ الإِثْنَيْنِ
وَالأَرْبَعِينَا ** بَعْدَ ثَلَاثَ عَـشْرَةَ مِئِينَا
106. Fii ‘aami-l ithnayni wa-l arba‘eenaa
** Ba‘ada thalatha ‘ashrata ma’eenaa
106. In
the year forty two, ** After thirteen hundred (years of Hijra).
107. سَمَّيْتُ ذَا النَّظْمَ
بِرُوحِ الأَدَبِ ** لِـمَا حَوَى مِنْ حِكَمٍ وَأَدَبِ
107. sammaytu dhaa-n nazma bi-ruuhi-l adabi
** limaa hawaa min hikamin wa adabi
107. I
name this poem "Spirit of Good Morals," ** For what it contains of
wisdom and manners.
108. مُعْتَذِرًا عِنْدَ ذَوِي
الأَلْبَابِ ** وَمُنْشِدًا قَوْلَ فَتَى الأَنْدَابِ
108. mu‘utadhiraan ‘inda dhawii-l albaabi
** Wa-munshidaan qawla fataa-l andaabi
Seeking excuse of the people of intellect, ** And just a song of sayings of an
active youth.
109. وَلِبَنِي إِحْدَى
وَعِـشْرِينَ سَنَهْ ** مَعْذِرَةٌ مَقْبُولَةٌ مُسْتَحْسَنَهْ
109. Wa-libani ih’daa wa-‘ishreena sanah
** Ma‘adhiratun maqbuulatun mustahsanah
109. And
for a child of twenty-one years, ** are reasons acceptable and beautifully
110. فَانْفَعْ بِذَا النَّظْمِ
جَمِيعَ الْـمُؤْمِنِينْ ** يَا رَبَّنَا بِجَاهِ خَيْرِ الْـمُرْسَلِينْ
110. Fanfa‘a bi dhaa-n nazmi jamee’i-l mu’mineen
** Yaa Rabbanaa bi-jaahi khayri mur’saleen
Benefit with this poem, all of the believers, ** Oh our Lord! By the magnificence
of the best of the Messengers
Ruh al-Adab Explanation - Imam Abdul Latif - Part 1
Ruh al-Adab Explanation - Imam Abdul Latif - Part 2
111. وَاجْعَلْهُ خَالِصًا
لِوَجْهِكَ الْكَرِيمْ ** يَا رَبِّ يَا لَطِيفُ رَحْمَنُ رَحِيمْ
111. Waj‘al-hu khaalisaan li-waj’hika-l kareem
** Yaa Rabbi yaa Lateefu Rahmaanu Raheem
111. And
make it to be purely for the sake of your Noble sake, ** Oh Lord! oh Kind One,
Beneficent, Merciful.
112. وَلَا يَغُرَّنْكَ بِحِفْظِ
النَّظْمِ ** كَوْنِي صَغِيرًا فِي بِلَادِ الْعَجْمِ
112. walaa yagurranka bi hifzi-n nazmi
** Kawnii sageeraan fii bilaadi-l ‘ajmi
Don't be prevented from memorizing the poem, ** Because I am a young man from
the Land of non-Arabs (African country).
113. فَاللّٰهُ يَخْتَصُّ بِفَضْلٍ
مَنْ يُرِيدْ ** وَاللهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمِ وَالْـمُرِيدْ
113. Fa-llahu yakhtassu bi-fadlin man
yureed ** Wa-llahu dhuu-l fadli-l ‘azeemi wa-l mureed
Allah favors is with whom He wills, ** And Allah is possessor of great virtues,
and Willer (of what He wants).
114. قَدْ قَالَ فِي هَذَا
الْـمَجَالِ الأَمْجَدُ ** خَدِيمُ طَهَ الْـمَالِكِيُّ أَحْمَدُ
114. Qad qaala fii aadhaa-l majaali-l
amjadu ** Khadeemu Taha-l maalikiyyu Ahmadu
Indeed it has been said in this respect, the illustrious, ** Servant of Taha
and of Maliki (school of thought), Ahmad (the son of Bamba of Senegal).
115. فَلَيْسَ يُكْسِبُ سَوَادُ
الْـجِسْمِ ** بَلَادَةَ الْفَتَى وَسُوءَ الْفَهْمِ
115. Falaysa yuksibu sawaadu-l jismi **
Bilaadata-l fataa wa-suu’a-l fahmi
115. A
black skinned will never acquire (because of his color), ** Youthful stupidity
and bad understanding.
116. يَا رَبِّ يَا رَبِّ بِجَاهِ
الْـهَادِي ** فَكُفَّ عَنَّا كُلَّ شَرٍّ عَادِي
116. Yaa Rabbi yaa Rabbi bi-jaahi-l Haadii
** Fakuffa ‘annaa kulla sharrin ‘aadii
116. Oh
Lord, Oh Lord, by the magnificence of the Guide/al-Hadi (SAWS), ** Protect us
from every evil of our enemies.
117. مُنَّ عَلَيْنَا بِكَمَالِ
الْعِرْفَانْ ** وَكُلِّ مَرْغُوبٍ بِخَيْرِ عَدْنَانْ
117. Munna ‘alaynaa
bi-kamaali-l ‘ir’faan ** Wa kulli mar’guubin bi-khayri
117. Bless
us with complete divine knowledge (gnosis), ** And everything desirous, by the
best of (the lineage of the legendary) Adnan (SAWS).
118. فَاسْتُرْ عُيُوبَنَا
بِسِتْرِكَ الْـجَمِيلْ ** وَاقْهَرْ عَدُوَّنَا بِقَهْرِكَ الْـجَلِيلْ
118. Faa’stur ‘uyuubanaa bi-sitrika-l
jameel ** Waaq’har ‘aduwwanaa bi-qah’rika-l Jaleel
118. And
cover our faults with your beautiful veil, ** And overpower our enemies with
your exalted power.
119. وَالْـحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ الَّذِي
قَدْ أَوْلَى ** تَيْسِيرَ نَظْمِي فَهْوَ نِعْمَ الْـمَوْلَى
119. Wa-l hamdu lillahi-l ladhee qad
awlaa ** Tayseera nazmee fah'wa ni‘ima-l mawlaa
119. All
praise is to Allah who has supported and made ** easy my poem composition. He is
indeed a Wonderful Patron.
120. ثُمَّ الصَّلَاةُ مَعَ
تَسْلِيمِ السَّلَامْ ** عَلَى النَّبِيِّ الْـمُصْطَفَى خَيْرِ الْأَنَامْ
120. Thumma-s salaatu ma‘a tasleemi-s
salam ** ‘alaa-n Nabbiyyi-l Mustafaa khayri-l
120. Then
Blessings and peaceful salutations ** be upon the Prophet (SAWS), the chosen,
the best of creations.
121. عَلَيْهِ وَالآلِ وَصَحْبٍ
أَبْرَارْ ** مَا فَازَ بِالْعِرْفَانِ كُلُّ صَبَّارْ
121. ‘Alayhi
wa-l aali wa sah’bin abraar ** Maa faaza bi-l ‘irfaani kullu sabbaar
121. Upon
him and his household and dutiful companions (is blessing), ** As long as every
patient one succeeds in attaining gnosis/the knowledge (of Allah).
thumma Ameen..
Written by Mawlana Sheikh al-Ḥajj Ibrahim Niasse
Written by Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse
Translation of: Imam Hassan Cisse
Re-Edited & Arranged by: Isma‘eel Bakare
3.Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's Annual Mawlid Nabiyy Lectures at Senegal - Arabic text & English Translation.
4. Selected Prayer Poems (Qasaa'id) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse from Kanzul Masun - Arabic, Transliteration & English Translation.
5. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
6. Tahniah (Congratulatory Ode) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse to the Prophet Muhammad (Part 1) – Selected, Transliterated & Translated by Alhaji Abdul-Quadri Okeneye
10. Sirrul Jaleel fii l Khawaas 'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakeel (by Shaikh Abul Hassan Shadhili)
11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
11. Numerous “English” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
For enquiries;
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Sayidat Rabiat Adawiyat (RA) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi) |
A Practical Guide on the Wird (Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent's Handbook) Sayyidah Bilqees Bolajoko Grillo at-Tijani |
1. It'haful muhtaaj bi tarfat al hajj fi salvation alaa saahibi Shaikh Abubakar Atiku
2. Majmuu' kutubu Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
3. Jaami'u salawaat alaa Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
4. Sullamu l muhibeena ilaa hadrat khairul Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
5. Salat qadaa'i l hawaa' Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
6. Sirrul asraar fii salaat alaa Jaami'u l Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
7. Mataalib al abd fii salaat alaa afdal mash' Seyyid Hussein ibn Ilyas al-harazimi.
8. 'Awaa-idu l barakat fi fawaaidul waraqaat min hadrat Mawlana al-Arif billah Shaykh Aliyyu Harazim
9. Jihazu Sarih of Sheu Gibrima
10. Hizbu suwar al Sheu Gibrima
11. Nataij Sheu Gibrima
12. Itbaau Sheu Gibrima
13. Sidratul Sheu Gibrima
14. Tazyeel wa Sheu Gibrima
To order for copies;
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1. Sayyida Fatimat Zahara (The Rose): The Beloved Daughter of the Holy Prophet (SAW) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
2. Sheikh Ahmad Tijani and his Spiritual Path (Tariqat) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
3.Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's Annual Mawlid Nabiyy Lectures at Senegal - Arabic text & English Translation.
4. Selected Prayer Poems (Qasaa'id) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse from Kanzul Masun - Arabic, Transliteration & English Translation.
5. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
5. Handbook for Every Tijaniyyat - (Compiled by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
Other available books
1. Tafsir al-Jalalayn...warsh
2. Quran...written in warsh style with hausa leather pouch
3.Quran....very old (500years old) handwritten manuscript...written in warsh with hausa leather pouch
4. Diya at-Ta’wil fi Ma’ani at-Tanzil (hafs)...Published copy the tafsir by Abdullahi bin Fodio
5. Shifaa Qadi Iyadh (warsh)
2. Quran...written in warsh style with hausa leather pouch
3.Quran....very old (500years old) handwritten manuscript...written in warsh with hausa leather pouch
4. Diya at-Ta’wil fi Ma’ani at-Tanzil (hafs)...Published copy the tafsir by Abdullahi bin Fodio
5. Shifaa Qadi Iyadh (warsh)
And many other books are available
To get the above links
1. Qur’an (warsh) - Handwritten, with Barnawi/Kanawi calligraphic style (neatly wrapped in a leather skin-bag)
2. Qur’an (warsh) - Handwritten (Over centuries old manuscript, loosely bounded in leather case)
3. Qur’an (warsh) - Electronic print
4. Dalail al-khayrat (warsh) - Electronic print
5. Shifaa of Qadhi Iyadh (warsh) - Electronic print
6. Fii Riyadh Tafsir of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse (7volumes)
7. Majmuu’at at-ta‘areef bi Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse (7volumes)
1. Dala'ilu l khairat of Shaikh Sulaiman Jazuli (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
2. Hizbu Sayfi & Hizbul Mughni (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
3. Hizbul Bahri (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
4. Hizbu Suwar al Manee'hi – ‘Arabic (composed like Hizbu Sayfi)’ (by Shk. Muhammad Gibrima)
5. Sidratul Muntaha ad-daa'een– ‘Arabic’ (by Muhammad Gibrima)
6. Jihazu Sarih – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shk. Muhammad Gibrima)
7. Tibbul faa'ihi – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shk. Abdul-Waahid Nazeefii)
8. Nataa'ij Safar – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
9. Itbaau Tazyeel – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
10. Sirrul Jaleel fii l Khawaas 'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakeel (by Shaikh Abul Hassan Shadhili)
11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
13. Ahzab wa Awrad (Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad Tijani
1. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
6. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
7. A Brief Biography of the Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
8. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" – (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
11. Numerous “English” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
12. Numerous “Arabic” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
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